33rd Annual Banquet Fundraiser



But you can still get in on the action! We still have the ladies only event, Bubbles, Boots & Bighorns tickets available. 


You can also purchase raffle tickets for the Weatherby Wall of Guns, Snowy Mountain Rifle raffle, ATF Raffle, OG raffle and the Bucket Raffle.
We will be drawing these at the banquet but you need not be present to win (exception for the ATF Raffle).

You can purchase tickets with your debit card but not with your credit card.

Tajikistan Ibex Hunt Raffle

VIP trophy ibex hunt in Tajikistan’s key trophy ibex hunting areas in cooperation with the Tajikistan’s top community conservation hunting programs. Hunt will occur Oct. 2025 – March 2026 season only.

See flyer for more information.

Credit card purchases not accepted. Tickets must be paid with debit card or check mailed to “ATT: MTWSF Ibex Raffle” PO BOX 17731, Missoula, MT 59808

Hunting wild sheep has taken me places I never imagined I would go and introduced me to some of the most interesting characters this world has to offer. I fell under the sheep hunting spell immediately and as Jack O’Connor once said, “There is no half way. After his first exposure, a man is either a sheep hunter or he isn’t. He either falls under the spell of sheep hunting and sheep country or he won’t be caught dead on another sheep mountain.” Doing my part to help put wild sheep back on the mountain so that others can have a similar experience is the least that I can do.

Brian Solan, Director Emeritus

Who We Are

Montana Wild Sheep Foundation shares the same mission as the National Wild Sheep Foundation -  to enhance and promote the state sheep herd populations and to safeguard against the decline and extinction of the species. Additionally, the chapter is committed to assist in funding various projects for professional management of these sheep populations throughout the state of Montana as well as sheep populations in all of North America. Essential projects involving conservation, habitat, management improvement and sheep population and propagation are actively funded by the Montana WSF.

What we do

The Montana Wild Sheep Foundation raises $ annually from private donations, our annual fundraiser, and membership fees to work on specific projects we have earmarked each year, as part of our 5 year plan.

Our latest newsletter

Hello friends! Welcome to the summer edition of MTWSF’s Newsletter. It’s an exciting time of year. I havebeen hearing some of you drew a sheep tag this year! Congratulations! I know those of you who [...]

Hello friends! I wish you a warm welcome as we break from the grip of winter. We have a lot to talk about in this issue of the MTWSF’s newsletter. I’d first like to [...]

  Hello friends! I cannot believe how fast summer blew by. How lucky were we to be in Montana this summer? For the most part we had a mild summer and managed to squeak by [...]

Stay up to date on Wild Sheep News


We asked our members why they were a Montana WSF Member

Support 'Sheep on Mtn'; awareness MT Sheep Status & Stories.  Benefits are evolving & building, knowing of or 'rubbing shoulders' with other supporters at state meeting sessions and displays and receiving newsletter updates.

David Wanderaas, Montana WSF Member since 2015

To support the sustainability & growth of bighorn sheep.  It benefits me by providing information to prepare me for my bighorn sheep hunt and meet others with same interests.

Samantha Erpenbach, Montana WSF Member since 2015
[I like] knowing I am supporting (wild) sheep hunting.

Gregory R. Schwandt, Montana WSF Life Member
Joining Montana Wild Sheep Foundation connects you with other hunters and conservationists with the same goal of keeping sheep on the mountain.